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Greenlands Primary


Additional Educational Needs

At Greenlands Primary School, we make provision for every kind of frequently occurring special educational need without an Education, Health and Care Plan, for instance dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, speech and language needs, autism, learning difficulties and behaviour difficulties.

Our SENCO is Mrs Laura Osborn and can be reached by phone or email on Telephone: 01474 703178 or Email: senco@greenlandsprimary.org.uk


There are other kinds of special educational need which do not occur as frequently and with which the school is less familiar, but we can access training and advice so that these kinds of needs can be met. 

The school also currently meets the needs of pupils with an Education, Health and Care plan with the following kinds of special educational need: Physical Disability, Speech Language and Communication Needs, Behaviour Difficulties and Learning Difficulties. Decisions on the admission of pupils with an Education, Health and Care plan are made by the Local Authority. 

The admission arrangements for pupils without an Education, Health and Care Plan do not discriminate against disadvantaged or disabled children or those with special educational needs.  

For detailed information about the provision and care of children with additional educational needs, please see our SEND Report, SEND Policy and Accessibility Plan on our School Polices Page.

If you would like to discuss your child’s additional educational needs, please do not hesitate to contact the Class Teacher or the school SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator). 


SEND Local Offer  (Services for children with special educational needs and disabilities). 


Support for Parents of Pupils with Special Educational Needs

  • The Kent County Council website has information regarding special educational needs and disability and the support available in Kent. This is known as the Local Offer
  • Information, Advice and Support Kent (IASK) offers impartial information and advice on Special Education Needs issues. Find out more information and contact them here
  • Patoss, the Professional Association for Teachers and Assessors of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) offers members a range of services to help them in their day-to-day work as well as representing the interests of teachers and students in matters that affect individuals with SpLD. Using the Patoss website  parents, teachers and other professionals can:
        • Find tutors and assessors online
        • Book conferences and events
        • Access information about Specific Learning Difficulties
        • Download free resources
        • Purchase resources

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

For advice and support about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) please see the Youngminds website

Youngminds also offers free, confidential online support, including information and advice, to any adult worried about the emotional problems, behaviour or mental health of a young child or young person up to the age of 25.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

The National Autistic Society is a UK charity providing information, support and services for people with autism.


The British Dyslexia Association is a UK national organisation, offering a wide range of information for parents, dyslexic adults and teachers. 

Dyslexia Action also provides support and advice for those with dyslexia.